If the crawl results (number of pages or pages retrieved) or scan results differ, the following cases are possible.

<Cases of differences in crawl results>

- If there is a change in the display due to data registration at the target site

 AeyeScan performs data registration during crawling and scanning when the data registration function exists.

 Therefore, the number of pages after crawling may increase or decrease depending on the data registered at the target site. 

- When differences occur depending on the order of crawl transitions

 Each time AeyeScan performs a crawl, it accesses and retrieves pages from the top page of the target page.

 However, because the system automatically determines which buttons are clicked, the order of access may change each time the crawl is carried out, and differences may occur in the crawl results.

- When there is a difference between pages that are determined to be duplicates

 AeyeScan has the ability to automatically exclude pages that are determined to be similar to other pages during crawling.

 If similar pages exist, one page is acquired and other similar pages are automatically excluded.

 Since this is an automatic decision, there may be differences in the pages retrieved, even if they are from the same site.

- If differences occur due to improvements in AeyeScan's crawl accuracy and accuracy of judging similar pages 

 AeyeScan is released every week to improve the crawl accuracy and the accuracy of judging similar pages.

 As a result, AeyeScan may retrieve more pages than screen transition diagrams retrieved in the past, 

 or it may exclude similar pages, resulting in a decrease in the number of retrieved pages.

<Cases of differences in scan results>

- Changes in browser behaviour

 AeyeScan regularly updates the browsers used during crawling and scanning.

 Therefore, differences in scan results may occur due to changes in browser behaviour.

- The server under inspection is under high load

 Due to the load caused by the scan, the server being scanned may not operate correctly and differences may occur in the scan results.

 In this case, the scanning speed and server specifications need to be reviewed and the scan carried out again.

- Scan rule updates

 AeyeScan is regularly updated to update vulnerability information and improve detection accuracy.

 As a result, differences in scan results may occur.