If you are having trouble getting pages or feel that the number of pages is less than expected, please try the following.

 1. Add a domain to be crawled

 2. Review crawl/scan target settings

 3. Use manual crawl(remote browser)

 4. Check for errors in form submission input

 5. Specify the waiting time for drawing (page)

 6. Change settings related to AeyeScan's automatic crawl

 7. Edit recorded operations in the remote browser

1. Add a domain to be crawled

AeyeScan only crawls pre-approved domains, so in the following cases, the domain may not be registered enough.

  • Use of an external site (e.g., Amazon Cognito) for authentication
  • The GUI and API are configured with different FQDNs 

   (https://www.example.com and https://api.example.com )

Register the required domain name in one of the following ways.

a)Add manually (before automatic crawl)

   How do I set up authentication for a different domain?

b)Add based on candidates found by AeyeScan (during / after automatic crawl)

   I checked the crawl results and some pages are not crawled. Please let me know how to deal with this.

2. Review crawl/scan target settings

If you have set a path to be excluded in Scan List > New Scan > Scan for Crawl/Scan Target Settings,

it may prevent the acquisition of crawl targets.

Please reduce the exclusion settings to the minimum necessary and crawl again.

3. Use manual crawl(remote browser)

If the automatic crawl cannot crawl the login transition or the post-login page, manual patrolling for the 

login process(remote browser) may solve the problem.

In this case, it is possible to use automatic crawl(combining manual and automatic crawls) on the page 

after the login process.

See "Troubleshooting" below for details.

My login fails in the automatic crawl.

4. Check for errors in form submission input

In some cases, the form entered by AeyeScan may have resulted in an error and you may not have been 

able to move on to the next page.

Please refer to the "FAQ" below to confirm the nature of the error.

Is there a way to check the page on which the form submission was filled out in error?

Please refer to the "FAQ" below for common errors and their solutions.

If the same value can only be registered once, is there a way to change the input value and perform a scan?

5. Specify the waiting time for drawing (page)

If some screens take a long time to page, the automatic navigation of subsequent screens may fail.

Refer to "Troubleshooting" below to specify the drawing wait time (Wait time) individually.

After crawling, no results are displayed while loading.

Depending on the behavior and implementation of the target system, the automatic crawl may fail.

If any of the following scenes are present, please change the contents of Scan List > New Scan > 

Scan Basic Options.

※Editing is possible only when the status of the corresponding scan is "Wait" or "Crawl Error" on 

 the "Scan List" screen. For any other status, please recreate the scan.

Item Name
Item Description
Scenes where setting changes are effective
Auto Window Control

Enabled ✓

Sets whether automatic control is performed (Enabled) or not (Disabled) when opening a new tab (window) on a site with multiple tabs (windows) open.
This is useful when the transition to open a new tab (window) cannot be reproduced by crawling, and when neither auto-crawling nor remote browsers can be used for crawling.
Shortcut Access when Auto Crawling

Enabled ✓

When accessing a screen that has already been registered in the screen transition diagram again, this setting determines whether some transitions are omitted (Enabled) or not (Disabled).

This setting is effective when a site that checks the order of screen transitions cannot be crawled, such as sites where the "Back" and "Reload" buttons on the browser cannot be used.

Note that this setting change will not solve the problem if the remote browser is also unable to navigate the site.

"a" tag Operation

Auto Identify ✓


Jump to the Linked Target
The operation for the "a" tag can be either a click operation or a direct jump to the URL set in the href.This is useful when screen transitions by the a tag cannot be patrolled.
XHR Similar Pages Determination

Enabled ✓

Controls whether (or not) similarity judgments are made based on the contents of XHRs when multiple XHRs are sent.

This is useful when there are pages that cannot be crawled due to excessive similarity judgments made by the automatic crawl.

Note that this setting change does not resolve the case where the system cannot be crawled even after "click the specified link/button and patrol again" is performed.

          ※ Values marked with "✓" are default values      

7. Edit recorded operations in the remote browser

Depending on the behavior and implementation of the target system, manual traversal by remote browsers may fail.

For example, in cases where a transition to a URL link that does not exist in the displayed screen is required,

In some cases, it may be possible to use the remote browser's operation editing functionality to patrol and scan.